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groupIt is the mission of the AEO UK operations group to make the events environment safer for all involved. They are responsible for identifying and discussing the challenges faced by the ops community, working towards resolutions for all.

About the ops group

The UK ops group has always been a great forum for our community to connect and learn from one another’s experiences, bettering procedures and setting best practice standards that will benefit the industry.

We will continue to review the All Secure Standard and champion this as a best practice addition to risk assessments for the foreseeable future, as this protects our industry and highlights our responsibility towards safety.

Welcoming our customers and audiences back on site has meant we can all breathe a sigh of relief and the energy has brought a much-needed smile to all of our faces, but the last two years have highlighted some poignant issues that we still need to focus on as a collective. Therefore we will be looking at staff development and welfare, logistics on site and continuing to support an open dialogue with our supplier community.

Chair - Ian Solomon 

Director of Operations, Hyve Group plc. 

More about Ian 

Who is it for?

Membership of this group is open to all AEO operations members plus a selection of other organisations and individuals recommended by the group.

For more information about the AEO UK operations group's strategy for 2024;

Please click here

2024 diary dates

4th March 

6th June

30th July

7th November