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The AEO marketing group meets to discuss techniques and define standards for the events industry.  


About the AEO marketing group

The group is tasked with representing the AEO’s marketing community, at all levels within their career. Working group members are responsible for capturing and defining member wants and needs within the areas of PR, marketing and communication, to express common issues, aims and practices that would be better shared, tackled and discussed as a collective.

Specifically, members of the marketing & communications working group share knowledge, and best practice to assist them in their day-to-day roles. In addition, and where necessary, they seek to create issue led statements or documents to assist them in relaying industry issues or messages to their customers.

Chair - Chloe Monina

Marketing Director, Professional Beauty Group

More about Chloe

Who is it for?

This group is aimed at middle management (Head of Marketing or similar) and above.  

Click here to find out more about the strategy for the AEO marketing group in 2024:

Please click here

2024 diary dates

29th February 

25th June

16th May - Mental health support webinar with Tom Fisher

17th September

21st November