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groupThe AEO sales development group (SDG) purpose is to help member businesses of all sizes, and sales people at all career levels to discover new approaches and techniques with a view to increasing sales effectiveness & delivering greater value to customers.

About the sales development group

A big focus for the SDG in 2023 is to seek better representation from the membership, in order to deliver balanced content that meets the needs of the members and what they are challenged with.

Talent remains an issue, with sales roles being trickier to fill pre pandemic and now having lost a lot of the work force due to redundancies and furlough. However, this is noted at an industry wide level, and the group have decided to channel the attraction piece through the Development Board.

Expectations have changed for existing employees and there are new roles in sales that will be discussed with regards to digital, but they will be looking at developing skills and training to support it. Due to an influx of new starters, the Group feels it has a duty to equip people coming into the industry with tools that will enable them to do their job effectively and in turn, retain staff to enable the sector to regrow.

Chair - Dan Dixon 

UK Sales Director, William Reed Business Media Ltd.

More about Dan 

Who is it for?

The SDG is formed from a wide ranging set of backgrounds and sales skillsets who are committed to share best practice, education and learning in a collaborative environment for the benefit of the AEO sales community.

To find out more about the sales development group's strategy for 2024;

Please click here

2024 diary dates

28th February 

23rd May 

10th September 

5th December