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The Futures Board was set up in 2022 to give junior-mid management level members a chance to have their voices heard on poignant issues that affect the industry.

Their thoughts and feedback channel directly into the Development Board, who value their opinions and use them to influence the work of any current projects that they may be working on. This escalates into senior-level groups. 

About the Futures Board 

The events industry has evolved considerably in the 100 years of the AEO, with immeasurable advances in technology, venue capabilities, revenue models, and no doubt health and safety.

Yet, we continue to design, promote and create the go-to destinations for trade and consumers. And whilst we’ve cracked that foundation, that the economy relies on, the advances we can continue to make are excitingly endless too.

As part of the Futures Board, we’re taking responsibility for the next 100 years – from the events we produce, to the businesses we work in. We’re futureproofing the industry and creating an attractive and inclusive space the next generations will thrive in too.

Who is it for?

Membership of this group is currently invite-only, with the majority of members having been nominated by the Development Board. However, the group is looking at creative ways to become more inclusive, attracting a more diverse range of people to join.

The group is targeted at younger people in the industry with a strong voice, who have been in their role for a minimum of a year. They are cited as future leaders.

To find out more about the Futures Board's strategy for 2024;

Please click here

2024 diary dates

11th April

21st May

2nd July

19th September

31st October

10th December