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The AEO Development Board aims to further develop and support the work of the AEO Council agenda, across a number of working groups., to act as a conduit between the AEO Council and the Futures Board to encourage youth engagement in the sector and ensure content remains relevant and to share challenges, the progress of each member’s working group and opportunities to network.

About the Development Board 

Supporting members with the challenges that they are faced with around attracting and retaining the right talent to the industry is fundamental to ensuring we have a sustainable workforce to future proof our sector for years to come.

Current recruitment strategies and resonating with job seekers via traditional means is not working, and we have a duty of care to change that so that we can be a viable option for people with the right acumen to join us.

We need to understand what makes people tick and what staffs expectations are of us as employers, ensuring we align with an evolving set of values and stay relevant.

Launching the Employee Benchmark and Salary Study will be our main output for 2023, using the insight from this to plan a campaign that will meet the needs of our members and those that we are seeking to attract.  

We will use meetings to touch base and plan next steps, meeting face to face and virtually on a quarterly basis.

Meet the members

Who is it for?

A collective of next generation business leaders at Director/Senior Management level, from all facets of the business.

Membership is by invitation only.

To find out more about the Development Board's strategy for 2024;

Please click here

2024 diary dates

26th March

9th May

11th June 

4th September

3rd December