UK representation
Working collaboratively with other industry bodies such as the UK Events, AEO has lobbied the UK Government to ensure that the events industry is firmly on the agenda. The result is that AEO chief executive, Chris Skeith OBE, has been named among the members of the first UK Events Industry Board (EIB), which will work closely with government to help identify and drive new business for the sector and for Britain.
The board will report into the Minister for Tourism (and subsequently the Inter-Ministerial Group on Tourism), and the GREAT programme board.
AEO has an active network to ensure the needs of the market are represented, are CEO is chair of UKEVENTS. We are represented in government, progress and updates are communicated via the EIA website.
We contribute along with our sister organisations to MASA and other key organisations on behalf of the events industry. Read our Newsletter for more details.
In addition, AEO and our members have positions with regulators and policy setters such as HSE and BSI, where opinions are sought on the everchanging regulatory landscape. Such influence is filtered through the various AEO and cross association working groups.

International representation
AEO also represents the needs of the UK exhibition industry at an international level and has formed many strategic alliances.
These alliances provide a framework for organisations to come together, share experiences, and identify areas of common interest. Led by steering committees, they also commission research.
The alliance is a strong network for connecting with people and sharing information.
On behalf of its members, the various alliances will act as a representative in discussions with governments, regulators, venues, and other associations as appropriate.
EIA public affairs & advocacy
EIA ensures the interests of business events in the UK are effectively represented, understood and communicated to Government across EIA's five pillars to unlock the industry's full potential as one of the biggest engines of growth in the economy. EIA connects communities, creates growth, and drives successful business.
EIA does this by seeking support to make the UK the world’s meeting place by creating a ‘Business Events UK’ strategic delivery body for the industry, upweighting a ministerial advocacy programme and investing in venue infrastructure as well as increasing BID funding to attract major international business events to to the UK.